Reflecting the world’s richest cultural kaleidoscope, India is famous for its rich avifauna and is widely recognized as one of the most important endemic bird areas in Asia. India, and its diverse birdlife, is as vivid, colorful and memorable as anywhere on earth. The Indian climate varies between extreme hot to the alpine cold of the snowy regions. The best time to visit India are the months between October and May as, in addition to the variety of resident species, migratory waterfowl, raptors, starlings and a host of other species are also to be seen all around the Indian countryside.
India’s bird check-list is twice the size of Europe and North America. Over 1000 of the world’s 8650 species are found in India. This abundance is attributable to the extraordinary variety of habitat and climate, which include; coastal mangrove forests, tropical deciduous forests, coniferous & Sub-Alpine Forests, dense evergreen forests, scrubland, grassland and open cultivated land. We can take you birding up to altitudes of 2500 meters as the habitat ranges in altitude from sea level to the highest mountain ranges. One could well end up with a list of over 100 birds on any of our Bird watching trips.
Fifteen years of experience in accompanying travelers in remote parts of India and over a decade of ground research has gone into the creation of our birding tours. Our tours are carefully researched and tested birding trips in the spectacular sceneries of India as we have explored well-known birding destinations and discovered lesser known hot spots. Our young and dynamic team, having the expertise and local knowledge, is dedicated to giving you a birding experience to remember. Together we plan to make your dream Indian birding holiday happen, and we will operate your birding trips with efficiency and absolute reliability.